
Star struck...!

Okay, so yesterday, I took ballet class with the Ballet Magnificat Companies!! Oh my goodness, it was SO amazing. They're all such good dancers, and so, so kind! I was basically the worst dancer in the class...but it was actually a good thing. For too long I've been one of the best dancers at my other studios...and it's refreshing to have people to look up to now. I feel like I can study what they do and learn from them to better my dancing. However, all that came at a price! I danced harder then I think I ever have in those two hours this morning....and I hadn't danced much all summer....those two things add up to equal a VERY sore body. My legs are killing me. I'm going to ice my poor swollen knees again before I go to class again today. Why go again today you say? All for the love of the dance!!

I have more pictures for you! I thought I'd give you some faces to go with the names I'll be talking about more and more as ballet gets started for the year.

#1. Miss Kathy-She is almost 51, and is still the best dancer at B. Mag. She is truly awesome! She can dance circles around all the other twenty something dancers in the company. The Lord has really blessed her! She also happens to be one of the sweetest ladies in the south, and I am totally in awe of her. She waved at me today....I almost fell over with shock!

#2. Mr. Yuri- I am deathly afraid of this man. He is without a doubt the best guy dancer I have ever seen. He could be in any professional ballet company he chose, without question. He is also a very gifted choreographer, and has created the last four ballets here at B. Mag, as well as countless other repertoire pieces. Why am I afraid of him? Well, he carries a big stick, and is not afraid to use it! I have a very fond memory of him from summer intensive last year....after a few of us performed a combination he stopped the music and said, "Girls....that was....awful. If this was a performance, the audience would want their money back. Even your mom would want her money back."

#3. Miss Sol-Miss Sol is amazing. She is from Cuba, and used to be a principal dancer with the Cuban National ballet. She loves the trainees....but she's as strict as all get out! She touched my arm in class today to give me a correction...I'm never washing that arm again!

Yes, I am star struck. But what can I say? These are celebrities in their own world...and in mine. I've been dreaming of this day ever since I was a little girl! It's pretty amazing that it's finally a reality. The Lord has blessed me so much! I am so, so blessed to be living out my dream at such a young age. Goodness, if one dream is this amazing...who knows how awesome the next one will be! I am so grateful. So, so grateful.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For some reason, I can't view the pics for this posting. Not sure why ...

Love, Daddy-O