
Color blind

Oh my goodness...today has been very eventful! I feel like I went from being 17 to 30 overnight! The quick recap is basically, I got up, went shopping, opened a checking account, got a debit card, got a credit card, got a new job, and went home.

Yeah. It was nuts.

I wasn't really planning to do all that, it just kind of happened. I'm going to be a waitress...! I hope I like it! It sounds like a pretty fun job...talking with people, taking orders, cleaning up, and doing it again. I think it'll be fun! We'll see what I say in a few months...

One thing I wanted to share with y'all (I'm learning the talk), is a concern about racism. Personally, I have no big issues with any race... which is probably because my parents took great care to teach me that color means nothing, and shouldn't define a person. Unfortunately, not everyone here in Jackson thinks that way. It's not that they're horrible people, or that they hate any specific ethnicity, but there is definitely black/white/hispanic prejudice. They don't realize their bias, but it's there. It's a rampant problem, in the stores, on the streets, pretty much everywhere.

In Michigan, race seems to make little or no difference (at least in my circle of friends) but down here, it's a big deal....the segregation is much more clear then anywhere I've ever been...and it kills me. What's even worse, is that I see myself being effected by these views! I find myself afraid of the "black" part of town....when in reality, those people are probably nice! It's strange that after so many years of being color blind, I'm beginning to see why racism is such a big deal.

The stereotypes aren't fair, and I try not to pay attention to them, but at the same time I have to be safe. How do I balance that?? I don't want to be a snob that only goes to the "white" areas of town...but is it safe to frequent the other areas? I'm not sure. I want to hang out with people of every color....I want to be Jesus to everyone, both white and black, brown and red, green, blue or whatever color! I hate that color has an impact on my thinking.

Which brings me to my job. I am the only white person that works there. Does that bother me? No. However, everyone around me seems to be trying to tell me that I'm in danger. The people at my job are wonderful! They're fun loving, sweet and generous...and I like them (at least that's the first impression). But am I being stupid?? Should I work somewhere with more white people? I don't want to, but am I being too much of a Pollyanna? Do I see the world through rose colored glasses? Do I need a reality check? I don't know.


jennifer said...


You have such a heart for ministering as Christ does. He doesn't see color and I think it is beautiful that you don't, either. I'm not going to tell you what I think you should do, because I know you are going to pray about this and find the right answer for yourself.

We're missing you!

Daniel said...


You do face an interesting dilemma. However, as one who always sees the world through rose colored glasses, I'll give $0.02.

I think you would do well to avoid any of the less safe parts of town, be the black, white, or other; part of being color-blind is to be just that: blind to color. That means not being afraid of black parts of town because of their blackness, and it means not being afraid to avoid unsafe parts of town because they are also black.

There is a significant body of research that says, as a general rule, to avoid black areas. This, however, is not because the people who live in those neighborhoods tend to be poor and inundated with a gangsta culture that glorifies violence and devalues women. Heeding this research does not make you racist, it makes you intelligent.

And finally: don't let other peoples perceptions of whether or not you are a racist make you compromise your safety.

I know your in God's hands, and that is as safe a place to be as any, but that doesn't mean not to be smart about things. Trust your ability to think, and trust the Holy Spirit.

Your Brother