
An inside look at *girls night*

Hey all!

Sorry...it's been a few days....and it's been REALLY busy. I love writing to you guys, but for the last few days, it's been a choice between devos and blog....so of course devotions take preference.

Let's see, what's happened. Hmm...well, I pretty much partied all weekend (and by party I totally mean the kind with a bunch of 18-25 year old girls in pajamas eating pizza and ice cream....) I've been making lots and lots of new friends this week! With the "official" first week of ballet over, I've met a lot of girls, and gotten to know a hand full of them fairly well. I've also been getting to know the girls that go to my church. I LOVE THEM! These girls are SO awesome! We had a girls night last night (as referenced earlier)....it was phenomenal. I really enjoyed it. We watched one of my all time favorite movies....can you guess? Pride and Prejudice. It's so weird watching girly movies here. At home we NEVER watch chick flicks or romance films.....I'm not exaggerating. My family is much more into Star Trek, Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. While there's nothing wrong with those movies (and I really do enjoy them occasionally)....it's been fun to watch some other movies.

One thing I've noticed about girls at this post highschool (or college) age, is that they are VERY interested in marriage. Don't hear me wrong, I'm not talking about being boy crazy...I'm talking about commitment. Unlike the Hollywood version of love, these girls are all starting to get to an age where they want to find "the one"....be swept off their feet, and start their own families. They're done with having little crushes, first dates and flings. They want the real deal. It's a neat thing to watch. Most of the girls that I know are very godly women, and they are all about waiting for God to bring about the right man....which is good. They know that they want to be pursued, loved and cared for for the rest of their lives. They know what their standards are, and are willing to wait for that "Mr. Right".


There still seems to be something wrong with this approach. Don't get me wrong, the ideas about love and marriage that they have are all right...they just go about them in the wrong way. In my opinion, they concentrate on waiting way too much. Let me explain. Their focus is on "surviving in the single years" instead of "thriving in the single years." They spend lots of time thinking about marriage, praying about marriage, talking about marriage, reading about marriage ect...when all that energy should be focused on the Lord. In essence, they focus too much on the waiting itself, rather then on what they can be doing while they wait. I don't blame these girls for wanting to be in a godly marriage....that's God's design for men and women. From the beginning of time, the Lord has brought amazing christian men and women together in the bonds of holy matrimony. It is a beautiful, righteous, amazing thing to have (those of you that are married should consider yourselves VERY blessed.) However, the single years of your life should not be looked at as the "pre-marriage" years. Being single and serving the Lord in that capacity should be the focus of the unmarried. Then, when the Lord brings that special person into your life, you won't have wasted years of your life pining away. Sometimes I think that the unmarried worry that they'll miss "the one" if they're "too focused" on God. It's not a competition. A godly relationship and a focus on the Lord go hand in hand.

So, in essence, don't just stand around waiting for God to give you a marriage....see what adventures God wants to take you on...before it's time to add a third to the party.

1 comment:

bajo said...

Hey, we watched City on the Edge of Forever, that's pretty chicky for ST:TOS!

Love, Daddy-O