
What are you focusing on?

I can just picture it....the storm is raging....the disciples are nervous...and all the sudden, they see someone walking toward them on the water. It looks like a ghost....but as it comes closer, they can tell who it is: JESUS.

Peter sees where Jesus is going, and he wants a part of it, so he jumps into the water. With his eyes fixed on Jesus, he begins to walk....but soon the winds and the waves drown out the savior's voice....Peter's vision gets blurry with water, salt and tears....he begins to falter. Suddenly, the water swirls around him. Fearing for his life, Peter begins to panic. "But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, 'Lord, save me!' Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. 'You of little faith,' he said, 'why did you doubt?'"

That's me.

As I continue this wondrous journey, I am beginning to see the storms....and my focus has been taken of off Jesus. The moment I focus on my tiredness, or my emotions, or my wants....or anything else...is the moment I begin to sink. I MUST focus on Jesus, or I will go down. Thankfully, Jesus is there when I cry out. He immediately pulls me up...and reminds me that I have no reason to doubt.

So, what are you focusing on??

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