
How to say "I love you"


I finally figured out why I love dance so much......

I know, I know, I should have realized it before, but I could never articulate it. Well here it is:

It's how I say "I love you."

For me, words just don't cut it. I can tell Jesus that I love him a thousand times, but somehow the action of pouring out everything I have, mentally, physically and spiritually, says more then words ever could.

It's not the same for everyone. Some of you say "I love you" through music, singing, writing, art, giving.....there are a million different ways to express it...and most of us use more then one. But to me, the deepest, most profound way to say "I love you" is through giving my sweat, blood and tears, day in and day out, to turn myself into a living instrument, creating beauty through movement. It is my offering. It's not much, and it is SO flawed (just ask Mr. Yuri!) but it's a gift he's given me, and it's my job to give it back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the famous words of Eric Liddle "I feel the Lord's pleasure when I _____" All of us get to fill in the blank with something He's gifted and called us to do. It is a special joy and awesome responsibility.Enjoy the highlights and presevere through the lowlights.
Lots of love, Mom