
In Christ Alone......the second time around

Here I am again.

To continue where I left off last time, I NEED Jesus. I can't live without him. I can't function.....I tried.....I tried living life on my own, and it doesn't work. All I have now is a desperate hunger for him that won't subside. Praise him!

I have seen over and over and over how good things are when Jesus is by my side....and I have seen too many times what happens when I leave him out of the picture.

It's neat though, because God wastes nothing in our lives. Even though I felt like I'd put him off over break, he has used that to teach me a lesson. I know what it is to feel like I have everything (friends, family, comfort, security) and yet feel empty. I can't stand it! That's a good thing. I'm so glad that my heart is hurting over this. I'm so glad that I'm upset......because it's motivating me to get moving.

Last night was an AMAZING night of prayer and worship. I sang, prayed, read my Bible.....mhmmmm, it was so good. Now THAT is what I want life to be about.....worshiping the Lord. Life can't be about what I think is good, or having what I think I need, it has to be about Jesus, and living for him everyday.


In Christ alone, my hope is found, he is my life my strength my song. This cornerstone, this solid ground, firm through the fiercest drought, and storm. What heights of love! What depths of peace! When fears are stilled, when strivings cease, my comforter, my all in all, here in the love of Christ I'll stand.

1 comment:

AZ said...

Hey Julie, I'm so excited for your restored fire, my friend. Way to motivate and be a motivating source. Love ya, and I'll be praying for you! ~ Anna