

I wonder if the basics of Christianity get lost as we move onto more "complicated issues."

What is the number one commandment? "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. The second one is like it, love your neighbor as yourself."

I don't want to sound like a hippie....or a new ager....or a little girl lost in lala land.....but what happened to love?

What happened to loving Jesus SO much that you can't contain it? What happened to loving others so much that everything you do is for their benefit?

Isn't that the core of what we should be doing? Loving the Lord and loving others? I mean yes, there are hundreds of other issues in our faith that need time to be thought out and discussed....but the core of Christianity is love. Why do we get so bogged down in everything going on around us that we forget to just love Jesus?

Not just a little love.....deep, passionate, life changing, bone chilling, ridiculous, unexplainable love and devotion to the only one who deserves it.....Jesus Christ.

I think if we could learn that then trust, faith, hope, discipline, evangelism, worship ect. would flow easily. If we would concentrate on loving Jesus as much as possible, then we would have a lot less time to worry about other things. What would happen if we REALLY loved everyone as we love ourselves?

1 comment:

Daniel said...

There's something to be said for simple love, and you have done a good job expressing its benefits in your words and actions of late, but I also believe it needs a proper channel, foundation, and superstructure.

Love you,