
Some thoughts

Hey all.

It's summer, and I'm sorry, but I haven't been super motivated to put anything up on here.......

Life is really good here, I'm thoroughly enjoying being with my family! It's also been wonderful to spend time with Jeremy and his family (we've been dating for just about one year now....isn't that amazing? Maybe it's just me, but that seems like a long time....and it's awesome to look back on how the Lord has changed and grown us since then.) Anyway, I started working a little, and will have a little more to do (I'm teaching ballet) starting next week. So for now it's just been a lot of fun, relaxation and I've gotten to read!! I haven't read a book (other than my Bible) in a while. I'm in the midst of Pilgrim's Progress (John Bunyan) and Crazy Love (Francis Chan), they're both excellent.

So, I got to talk to Rick (my youth pastor in high school) the other day, and his words really impacted me. "Julie, you're talented, and mature, you've reached a place in your life that most people don't get to until they're older. In light of that, there are two choices, either you are great, or God is great." Then, while I was reading Crazy love, Francis said something similar. "God is the main character in the movie, you're an extra with a two-fifths of a second scene.....you have to live like the story is about Him, because it is."

Isn't that a novel thought? My life is not about me. I know that seems like it should be obvious, and it is, but I don't live like it. My plans are so often based on what I want/need/think/feel, and I think of myself as the main character of my life. It shouldn't be that way.

So, as I've been praying, the Lord has given me this to pray, "Lord, may I become small in my own eyes, so that I can see more of you."

I want to decrease......I want to be small so that HE can be glorified and exalted.


bajo said...

It has been a pleasure having you here, that's for sure.

Love, Daddy-O

Jake Sinko said...

Awesome thoughts...Rick is right...You are super mature and very ahead of where most people your age are...In short, you're freaking awesome :) By the way, can I borrow that Francis Chan book sometime?

Morlock said...

You're awesome Julianna!!!!!!!!! i can't wait to see you at dance camp in two days!!!!!!! Wa-who!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Allison :)